Offering the largest floor plate at FLIGHT, Building C is a 145,400 sq. ft., four-level building that will appeal to the tenant who desires one large, efficient floor plate (39,145 sq. ft. or 33,956 sq. ft.) or to the tenant who will take advantage of inter-connectivity to stack and combine two partial floors into one large harmonious working environment. Plus, ceiling volumes up to 37', inspiring design, indoor/outdoor exclusive and collaborative work spaces and a multitude of sustainability-related features.
Typical 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floor Ceiling Height:
13' 6 clear height deck to deck, where 1st and 3rd Floors offer double height opportunities for 27' 37' ceiling height volume. Typical 4th Floor Ceiling Height: 13' 6 26' 6.Column spacing: totally open plate format with slim-line center row columns, offering unobstructed 30' x 40' bay spacing. Decentralized core offers opportunity
for high efficiency space planning and unobstructed views throughout full floors.