-Primely located near US 101, Interstate 680, and 0.6 miles from the future 28th Street / Little Portugal BART Station. Nearby access to VTA local and regional bus service, including Bus Rapid Transit Route 522 and #22, #23, and #77.
-Designated Urban Village and within “Area B” of the Little Portugal Urban Village Plan. This designation allows for a wide range of stand-alone commercial uses - retail, office, medical, etc. Market-rate residential requires a 0.35 FAR of commercial uses. 100% affordable housing projects could avoid the commercial requirement - presumably a Density Bonus project (15% affordable/85% market rate) could reduce or eliminate the commercial requirement.
-For mixed use development, UV zoning district requires a minimum density of 55 du/ac and maximum overall FAR of 10.0.
-For residential development only, UV requires 55 to 250 du/ac.