The sites are mass graded with access roads and curb cuts installed with 12" water, 8" sewer, 3 phase electric, fiber data and 4"gas lines stubbed for future development.
Kennesaw Farms:
288 apts
225 homes. 200 remaining to be built.
West side commercial:
• Climate controlled storage, 90,000sf
• Goddard School
• SBC Corp office relocation
• 60,000 sf office complex
• HCA multi-story medical office under contract.
Kennesaw Blvd in design to be extended to Big Station Camp Blvd. near Interstate interchange
St Thomas 35,000 Med office open
Seven more 280+ unit Apt complexes under construction or open
Westfield – New 600+ unit Approved Subdivision
Wheeler Farm – New 1300 Unit Subdivision in entitlements
New K-12 Schools Complex to begin construction fall 2019
Fairvue Plantation (Golf and Lake front community)– Immediately across Hwy 31 facing site. Highest income demographics on north side of Nashville.