232,239 Sq. Ft. Class A Warehouse for Sale or Lease in Herriman.
Under Construction | Shell Completion is set for October 2024, with Spec office to be complete by December 2024.
Prime location on Redwood Road with Immediate access to Mountain View Corridor from Porter Rockwell Blvd.
+ Available: 232,239 sq. ft.
+ Minimum divisibility: ±35,500 sq. ft.
+ Spec Office: 1,966 sq. ft.
+ Lot size: 18.082 Acres
+ Configuration: Read load
+ Loading:
- 30 (9’ x 10’) dock high doors
- 4 of which have 14’ x 16’ knockout panels
- 10 additional 9’ x 10’ dock high knockout panels
- 1 (12’ x 14’) drive in door
- 3 (14’ x 16’) drive in doors
- 2 (16’ x 16’) drive in doors
+ Typical column spacing: 56’ x 50’ (60’ end bays)
+ Fire Suppression: ESFR
+ Truck court: 130’
+ Building depth: 260’
+ Clear height:36’
+ Floor: 6” thick reinforced concrete slab
+ Heat: Unit heaters in warehouse
+ Zoned: M-1, Light Industrial
+ Total building power: 4000 Amps, 480 Volt, 3 Phase
+ Construction type: Concrete Tilt
+ Employee Parking: 244 stalls
+ Lighting:
- Warehouse lighting to suit
-Natural lighting with clerestory windows