We are pleased to offer the opportunity to acquire the fee simple interest (land and building ownership) in a NN leased, freestanding, Austinburg
Veterinary Clinic investment property located in Austinburg, OH. The Tenant, VetCor, has over one and a half years remaining in their initial term with 3 (5-year)
options to extend. The lease features annual rental increases of 2%. The lease is a double net with limited landlord responsibilities, making it an ideal, lowmanagement
investment opportunity for a passive investor. VetCor was founded in 1997 with the goal of creating a community-oriented veterinary care network
and now has over 500 locations nationwide.
Austinburg Veterinary Clinic is strategically located on Center Road. The site benefits from superior visibility via significant street frontage and a monument sign
situated along Center Rd. It shares this area of Austinburg with national tenants just up Center Road like Dunkin’, Family Dollar, Waffle House, and McDonald’s.
The location benefits from the frequent street traffic of Center Road, which sees over 4,000 vehicles daily. The 5-mile trade area is supported by a population of
11,685 and 5,720 daytime employees with an average household income of $71,998.