- Fully Equipped
- Plenty of Parking
- Apartments Surrounding
- Warehouse District
- Near door to other surrounding bars
FF&E Includes:
Approx. 18 tables
Approx. 103 chairs
4 bowl stainless steel sink behind bar
Hand washing sink behind bar
Hip high keg refrigerator
Walk In Cooler/Freezer (Approx. 60’’ by 84’’)
2 Restrooms
6 Brewtech Tanks
3 Blichmann Pro Brewing Tanks
2 stainless steel handwashing sinks
Blichmann Engineering Pro Brewing Panel (features: HLT, MASH, BOIL)
1 Hood
1 50 Gallon Tank
Features Included:
New HVAC & Duct Runs
Excess Basement Storage
Whole Building is Sprinklered
Lofted Industrial Environment
Large Bay Windows for Easy Visibility
POS System in place with tablets on site
Large Exterior Signage Availability on the Back end of the Building Facing Fourth St. & Pins Mechanical Bar
Multiple Floor drains in place
Surrounded by Parking