- PIDs: 154 036E, 154 036, 154 036C, 154 035 (partial), 213 001N (partial), 154 036D (partial),
and 154 038Q (partial)
- ±34.73 acres
- Zoned RM-2: permitting multifamily apartment bedrooms at a density of 24 beds per gross acre, ±34.73 acres x 24 beds/acre = 833 beds (maximum)
Seller Deliverables:
- A Land Disturbance Permit for the proposed road connecting at the intersection of
McClung Road & Nease Drive to the rear of property
- Approval of the proposed creek crossing by the Army Corps of Engineers, EPD, and
other jurisdictions having issuing authority over this roadway.
- Payment of all wetland mitigation fees and payment of all stream buffer mitigation fees
related to the proposed creek crossing.
- Construction of the proposed road connecting at McClung Road & Nease Drive and
stubbing the road ±50’ past the proposed Dollar Tree property
- Construction of the required detention pond improvements for the shared detention
pond located on the left side of the Dollar Tree development
Items Completed by Seller:
- ALTA Surveys of the various assembled properties prepared by Williams and
Associates Engineering
- Subdivision Plats of the various assembled properties and the property subject to the
“land swaps” prepared by Williams and Associates Engineering
- Conceptual Architectural Elevations prepared by E+E Architects
- Geotechnical Engineering studies and reports by Grounded Engineering
- Wetland and State Waters Delineation by Grounded Engineering and Environs Planning and Consulting
- The surplus dirt is located on the backside of the property, which should prevent the
need to import dirt from an off-site location. Once the mass grading takes place, this
should provide a surplus volume of dirt to fill in the front half of the Property. The
Grounded Engineering geotechnical report describes the quality of the dirt and the
depth to rock/refusal in that portion of the Property.
- Additional Due Diligence Docs Available for Review Upon Request