Check out this new redevelopment opportunity in the mid-Peninsula! We have Tentative Map Approval for a four-story 72-unit residential building with seven (7) 2-bedroom single-level units and sixty-five (65) 3-bedroom tri-level units and a total area of 113,199 sq ft. The project combines three parcels on a flat lot to create a 78,341 sq ft site in Redwood City's El Camino Real (MUC-ECR) Zoning District. The site currently has a supermarket and parking lot and is adjacent to the Woodside Central Shopping Center which has Target and Marshalls as its anchor tenants. There will be 144 parking spaces for the residences, 18 guest parking spaces, 2 loading/short term parking spaces, and 38 bicycle spaces. All parking spaces are on the ground floor within a shared podium parking structure. Approved plans and other disclosures are available for buyer's perusal.