As exclusive broker, EAC Properties proudly presents 1460 Whalley Ave, New Haven, CT. This shopping center is located at one of the most highly trafficked signalized intersections for drivers looking to access New Haven.
Strategically located close to downtown, it is surrounded by Retail/Commercial Employee Demographics with a median home value of 1 mile of $245,827, 3 miles of $252,044, and 5 miles of $267,245. The average household size is 2.30 in an area with positive pop growth. The average age of consumers is 38.
Immediately adjacent and across the street are major retailers and corporations, including Enterprise and Walgreens.
The owner is flexible on use and terms. An existing hood is being replaced, and food use is preferred for at least a portion of the available space.
Inquire today! 203-259-2172