- $3,500,000 Asking Price
- 7.03 acres mol
- Over 9,600 VPD on 24th Ave SW. Over 110,000 VPD on the intersection of I-35 and Lindsey.
Businesses nearby: Atwoods, Locke Supply Co., Braums, Homeland, Landers Chevrolet, Dollar Tree, Sonic, Braums, McDonalds, and many more!
Tract 1- 1.65 acres
Legal description: 1-8-3W 1.65 AC PRT N/2 SW/4 NW/4 NW/4 LYING E HWY 9 LESS N110' & LESS E200'
Tract 2- 1.0 acres
Legal Description: 1-8-3W 1ACRE TR B AKA E200' OF N/2 SW/4 NW/4 LESS N115
Tract 3- 3.92 acres
Legal Description: 1-8-3W 3.92 AC PRT NW/4 BEG 25'E NW/C SE/4 NW/4 NW/4 E400' S200' E194' S46' W200' S100' E200' S13.10' W969.62' N29.10' E350.62' N215' E25' N115' POB
Tract 4- 0.46 acres
Legal Description: 1-8N-3W 0.46 ac part NW/4 NW/4 Beg 30' W & 760' S NE/C S100 W200' N100' E200' TO BEG
Commercial Land. Buyer to do own due diligence.
1.67 tract- I 1 industrial
1.0 tract- I1 industrial
3.92tract- A2 Rural/low density
0.46 tract- A2 Rural/low density
If needed there is an additional 0.46 acre tract contiguous. This is not included in the sale but could be purchased. Call Broker for more details!