This business opportunity offers both Commercial (Big Ag & Horticulture markets) and Retail applications. Silicon (Si), a volcanic ash, provides trace and ultra-trace elements that react dynamically with other bene?cial nutrients to remedy plant de?ciencies, creating a healthier plant while reinvigorating soils for future crops. Located on 48 acres in Drummond MT, proven 686,000 tons of Si mineral reserves are currently being supplied to large agricultural customers and retail customers under the brand name MontanaGrow.
With reserves of 686,000 tons of bulk 1/2" rock sold at a minimum of $450/ton, the gross asset value of the mine is roughly $308M. With the addition of 500,000 tons of resources at $225M, the minimum gross asset value increases to $533M. Bulk 1/2" Si rock sells for a minimum of $450/ton. The more refined the material, the higher the value. Micronizing to a much smaller size 350 mesh increases the value to $2,000/ton. This raises the gross asset value of reserves and resources to 1,186,000 tons equal to $2.3 Bn.
Silicon helps plants build strong roots, stems and foliage and provides resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. With global climate change, the growth of regenerative farming and overuse of chemical fertilizers, the many bene?ts of Si are in more demand than ever. some examples:
• Reduces nitrogen volatility
• Improves phosphorus availability
• Conditions and improves soil texture
• Increases plant drought and salt tolerance
• It is 3.5 MOHS hardness scale and weathers easy
• Is OMRI Listed (International Organic Cert?cation)
• Increases plant high and low temperature tolerance
• Is a potassium silicate, chemical free, and does not burn plants
• Has no shelf life limitations, easy to apply, and does not polymerize
• High Cation Exchange Capacity increases absorption and adsorption
Investment Highlights
Ignimbrite Mineral Inc’s goal is to place the Si deposit property into a more capable investor’s hands interested in marketing to Big Ag while retaining the right to more fully develop some of the smaller specialty markets through MontanaGrow.
The initial development work has been completed with core markets established and there is now a unique and timely opportunity for an investor to buy a $500M Si deposit property with an upside of over $2 Bn in proven mineral resources. This is a turnkey opportunity that comes with a solid customer foundation and the ability to sustain growth into the future.
At this point the most favorable avenue is to find a "friendly" investor or buyer that will align with us and has the financial wherewithal, industry experience and knowledge to fully develop the Si deposit property and business opportunity. IM, Inc is selling the Si deposit property for $7.25M, and should a buyer want to own MontanaGrow, its operating infrastructure and existing accounts along with the Si deposit property, the price is $8.5M. Ideally IM, Inc and it's principals are looking for a buyer to take over IM, Inc's operations, bulk Si sales, Big Ag and horticulture markets. MontanaGrow could keep the rights to home and garden and specialty markets, like the wine industry, mushrooms, hops and cannabis. Selling the Si deposit property allows for separation of operations and a more efficient servicing for all three markets