Fully renovated and chic Warehouse for lease at $5,550/month/NNN (NNN = $1,425/month) Pompano Beach, FL with executive office & restroom, two-roll-up grade level doors, & back yard. 3,487+ SF of interior space plux 3 – 4 parking spaces in front. Approximately 37 front feet & 92 feet deep w/ 15-16 foot clearance inside. Renovations include glass enclosed office & executive quality restroom w/ shower accessible from office & warehouse. The glass lined office wall allows full display of warehouse. Seeking use & high end clients to appreciate the newly painted showroom affect, full LED lighting package, insulated foam ceiling, & 2 new industrial A/C systems servicing the warehouse & office separately. New steel roll-up doors for front & rear access. New plumbing & electrical providing multiple outlets throughout. Luxury car dealers & display; possibly. Mechanical work doesn’t fit the brand.