Located in the burgeoning Bealeton, VA submarket, Mintbrook Village is a highly appealing 310,000 SF Class A grocery anchored retail development which “fronts” the busy VA Rt. 17 regional corridor (23,000 AADT).
This 40 acre “Town Center style” retail development (zoned MUB) is part of a larger 325 acre mixed-use Mintbrook development that features nearly 550 immediate-proximity residential units (300 residential units are currently complete or under construction), as
well as a future elementary school, middle school, fire station, community center, and active public park(s). The center is an integral part of the overall Bealeton retail district, and enjoys close proximity to both the Rt. 17 and Rt. 28 retail corridors.
Mintbrook Developers is actively developing “Phase I” commercial tracts near the intersection of Lafayette and Rt. 17 (Arby’s is now open and Starbucks is under construction!) The developer is seeking grocery anchor, pad, and small shop tenants at this time!