Building is located in a designated GREEN ZONE.
Tax Benefits include:
RELOCATION EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (REAP) $3,000 employee tax credit per year for 12-years.
ENERGY COST SAVINGS PROGRAM (ECSP) 45% reduction in electrical costs and 35% in natural gas costs.
RENT ABATEMENT FOR COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL TENANTS 5-year annual rent credit of $2.50 (maximum) per square foot.
1 dock, 600 amps, 3 phase, 28x36 columns spacing, 12'5'' ceiling height slab to slab
Low loss factor. Potentially no loss factor on the 1st floor.
Fully redundant risers for power, broadband and telecommunications.
Southport Plaza is convenient to numerous amenities such as hotels, restaurants and shopping malls.
Entrance to building directly off the West Shore Expressway/Rt. 440 between Ext 7 & 8.