Bramble Tree Motel is a two-story, 69-room motel located in downtown Pueblo, CO, two blocks north of southbound I-25, Exit 99A and five blocks south of northbound I-24, Exit 99B. The property includes two apartments with full kitchens, registration lobby, manager’s office, registration area/guest lounge and housekeeping laundry room. The property currently operates as an independent, economy class motel with 42-single rooms (double bed), 22-double rooms (2 double beds), 1-one bedroom unit with kitchenette, 1-two bedroom apartment, 1-one bedroom apartment. Guestroom amenities include a bathroom/shower, minifridge, microwave, phone, color TVs (Comcast cable), wall-mounted gas heat, and electric A/C units. The property contains 41 parking spaces.
The property is zoned Central Business District (B-4) and currently operates as a hotel. The property use could be changed to senior, transitional or workforce housing. Any property conversion to multi-family apartments, extended stay, and/or mixed use would require review by the City of Pueblo Planning Department and Pueblo Regional Building Department. The property is located in an opportunity zone.