Desirable Lease Terms: Brand new 15 year absolute NNN lease
Minimal Landlord Responsibilities: Absolute NNN lease with ZERO landlord responsibilities
Brand New Construction: 2024 build-to-suit for Dollar General; Rent commencement is estimated as November 2024
Corporate Dollar General Lease: Over 20,000 locations in 48 states and Mexico with revenues in excess of $38.7 billion and a $26.26
Billion market cap
Investment Grade Tenant: Dollar General holds an S&P BBB credit rating
Ideally Located: This location sits within 0.25 miles of both the nearest I-95 interchange (±43,500 vpd) and Magnolia Elementary School, as well as having a direct, 3.5 mile connection, via US Hwy 301 (±4,585 vpd), to downtown Lumberton
Attractive Demographics: Strong average household incomes in the immediately surrounding area (1mile: $80,368, 3 mile: $90,975, and 5 mile: $96,086) point towards this location’s future long term health and stability