Prime 1,500 SF med spa clinic that includes a reception area, a private bathroom, clinic rooms with sink and cabinets, and exposed ceiling with modern lighting fixtures. All retail suites in the building benefit from an abundance of visitor and monthly parking available in the parking structure above. Located across the street from neighborhood favorite Prank Bar, adjacent to the Palm Restaurant, and one block from Javier's and Mastro's Steakhouse. Join notable co-tenants H&R Block, Culturas Restaurant (opening soon), and the Tan Spa.
The GBA reflects the parking garage the RBA is the space being built out as retail. GBA is 164,860 SF and Rentable Building Area is 17,000 square feet on the ground floor. There are 8 retail units which are each 1,500 SF, and two restaurants totaling 5,000 SF. The rest of the upper floors are just parking.