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rooftopMLS #AddressCityCountySales TypeAnnual Cnty/City Taxes/Lot #MAAR SubdivisionLot SizeLegal SubdivisionStateZip CodeHandyMapLPCross StreetParcel IDFeaturesRemarksTYPE USAGEAVERAGE CEILING HEIGHTSALE INCLUDESROAD FRONTAGEINFORMATION AVAILABLETRUCK LOADING DOOR HEIGHTOPERATING EXPENSE INCLUDESEATING CAPACITYCONSTRUCTIONROOFHEATING SYSTEMSCOOLING SYSTEMSHOT WATERPARKING FACILITYLOCATIONTENANT PAYSPOSSESSION/ LEASEEXISTING FINANCINGNEW FINANCINGFLOORSListing InformationList OfficeList AgentCo-List AgentCo-List OfficeAppointmentListing DateExpire DateSold InformationClose DatePend DateDOMCDOMCorporate OwnSelling OfficeSelling AgentCo-Selling AgentSlr ContribTermsOrig LPSP*Information, include Square Footage, deemed reliable but not warranted.The CDOM field does not include prior time on the market if the listing has been off market for 30 or more days. Copyright© 2017 Memphis Area Association of REALTORS®Prepared by:Sold Square FeetCOM Agent FullMISCELLANEOUSRELIGIOUS AMENITIESFOUNDATIONSHOWING INSTRUCTIONSUnit #Trade/BusinessZoningLand SqFtLeaseable SqFtImproved SqFtDock Floor HeightRoad Frontage (ft)Year Built# of Restrooms# of Buildings# of Stories# of OfficesGrs Potl Ann RentPercent OccupancyAnn Insurance ExpAnn Operating ExpensesActual Ann RentAve Ann UtilitiesAnn Misc IncomeAnn Land Lse PmtVTourLease to Purchase10190328109 N MAIN ST989788UNIT C-1CLARIDGE HOUSE CONDOMINIUMS1307CLARIDGE HOUSE THE CONDOS 4TH AMENDMENTTN38103745A$195,000002007 A0016090187031402/18/2025$195,000Marquis Jones11C-1CBDOffice: 901-221-4041Phone: 901-870-314024722Cali NealKAIZKAIZEN Realty, LLC1,307192711.011MemphisShelbyNoNormal Sale03/01/2025 11:11 AMHistoryMapMAARdata XMA: Property DetailBook AppointmentACTCICommercialDirectionsLeft on N main st. and Adams . Private entrance is on N main st. enter downstairs.TYPE USAGEOther (See REMARKS)ROAD FRONTAGEOther (See REMARKS)AVERAGE CEILING HEIGHTLess Than 8 FtTRUCK LOADING DOOR HEIGHTNo Truck DoorPARKING FACILITYOffsite/StreetINFORMATION AVAILABLEOther (See REMARKS)LOCATIONCitySALE INCLUDESNo FurnishingsTENANT PAYSAll UtilitiesEXISTING FINANCINGOther (See Remarks)POSSESSION/ LEASEPossession NegotiableROOFOther (Call LA)CONSTRUCTIONBrickNEW FINANCINGConventional, FHA/VA, Cash Only, ExchangeHOT WATEROther (See REMARKS)COOLING SYSTEMOther (See Remarks)HEATING SYSTEMOther (See Remarks)FLOORSVinylPublic RemarksPrime commercial space at 109 N Main St C1, offering 1300 sqft of versatile space with endless business opportunities. Currently an event center, this former City of Memphis Credit Union features an electricity room and spacious break room. Located on the ground floor of Claridge House, just steps from City Hall, the law school, and downtown Memphis attractions. $600 HOA. Perfect for retail, office, or event space. Don’t miss this chance to be first in 100 n main $350Millionrenovation. Space can be leased at monthly also.