Full Address is 1038 - 1040 Jacarandah Drive. The Owner has advanced a development application for the Property which contemplates a 23-unit low rise residential development with a total gross floor area of 51,302 square feet. The project specifically includes 20 semi-detached units and 3 single-family homes. A Zoning Bylaw Amendment and a Draft Plan of Subdivision were filed with the Town of Newmarket, both of which have been approved. A Site Plan Application has been submitted and is currently under review. The Property is only a 5-minute drive from either the Newmarket GO station or the East Gwillimbury GO station and just 2.0 kilometres southeast from the Davis Drive / Highway 404 interchange, providing convenient commuter access. The Property is located within an established low-rise residential neighbourhood. The majority of dwelling types within the surrounding area are single and semi-detached homes, with the subject Property being one of very few remaining development parcels in the immediate vicinity. Property is being sold under Power of Sale.