Property Location: Latitude 42.1930804/Longitude 087.9347940, Elevation 666 ft.
Former Chicagoland Airport (Historical), Lake County, Illinois was once a flight training site owned & operated by the US Navy, now forming part of the 300 acres campus development "Lincolnshire Corporate Center", Village of Lincolnshire, IL. and housing corporate facilities headquarters i.e., hi-tech. industrial), fitness clubs, hotels, Tesla, Newman-Hass Racing more.
Access: Interstate I-294 and I-90 Wisconsin/Illinois & Indiana)
Intersection; Half Day Road (Rte. 22) & Schelter Rd., Lincolnshire, Illinois 60069
The property consists of 3 interconnected buildings and includes a state-of-the-art conference center as an event venue.
Current occupancies include business operations to provide life, health, financial, home accessibility to the special needs communities across USA.
Parking: 45 cars incl. ADA accessible spaces
The property & building spaces have been professionally designed, landscaped and maintained offering welcoming loft style spaces consisting of high ceiling (10'6" height) spaces.
Exterior Walls & Roof: Thermal & acoustic insulation to optimize comfortable and quiet working environment
Windows: Energy efficient operable windows w/ roll down shades
ADA Accessible: Elevator (12 passengers)
Accessible restrooms (9)
Electrical: 800 Amps/208V w/sub-panels for owner/tenant occupancies
HVAC: Heating & Cooling equipment w/upgraded air-distribution systems & individual temp. controls
Utilities: Fully Sprinklered, 24/7 remote monitored Fire-Alarm system & high-speed Comcast Voice/Data System (VOIP)
Entry & Access: Programmable Electronic key fob tied to security system