Situated along the Fairmont Gateway Connector, The property at 101 Stoney Road offers 22 (+/-) acres of graded, elevated land. Approximately 15 acres are graded and suitable for commercial mixed use development, including residential component. This high density location offers all commercial grade utilities and leads directly into down town Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia. The property is located in a developing area of Marion County right off I-79, Exit 136 and 0.7 mile from I-79, Exit 137. This area provides a number of commercial service-oriented businesses while being surrounded by residential rooftops. Along I-79 there is an annual average daily traffic count (AADT) of 61,642 Vehicles Per Day (WVDOT GIS Data, 2020). Along Stoney there is an annual average daily traffic count (AADT) of 7,371 Vehicles Per Day (WVDOT, 2017).