Valley Mills Center , consist of three NNN Tenant 1008 Mills Avenue Dollar General, consist of 8,125.00 , Dollar General emailed the lease extension to the owners for their signatures the lease from October 1st 1st,2019 the base monthly rent will be $4885.00 Until September 30th,2022 , then from October 1st,2022 until September 30th,2024 the base monthly rent will be $5,000.00
then from October 1st 2024 until September 30th, 2029, if the (5( years) option is exercised the base monthly rent will be$5300.00 ., Dollar General corporation emailed the owner this modification for their signatures , this show that this location is an excellent investment
1200 sft
Heritage home health care 3600 sf lease will expire December 31,2019 but they have 5 years option. the monthly rental$2785.67
Price has been reduced to $1,175,000.00 because of sellers health reason.