2 Income Property For Sale - Business opportunities for investing in a rental property *** Residential Income Property For Sale - Business opportunities for investing in a rental property *** Multi-Family / Income Producing / Multi-Family. Do Not Disturb Occupant - It is a criminal offense to trespass on this property.
Do Not Disturb Occupant - It is a criminal offense to trespass on this property. FOR SALE: 1002 W Front St. Florence, NJ 08518 - Lot Area (sq ft): 32X115 *** Business opportunities for investing in a rental property or For Developers - 2 Unit Investment Property - This Income Producing Multi-Family Home for sale. call for more information. - Do Not Disturb Occupant - It is a criminal offense to trespass on this property. This Income Producing 2 Apartment 2 Stories Multi-Family Home with yard for sale. this Multi-Family Home can also be offices or condo ( Condominium conversion ) or A build-to-suit ( construct custom facilities ) call for more information. Located in the center of town walking distance to public transportation and restaurants. Great rental history & 100% occupied and has a waiting list for future residences. A LOT OF POTENTIAL HERE. Multi-Family Home. Residential Income Property For Sale - Business opportunities for investing in a rental property