A rare C-4 .59 acreage find is being reactivated since a portion of the engineering has been completed with some renderings from the engineer and AAC comments that will be referenced with a pdf attachment. This comprehensively rezoned parcel was a few decades ago being an original portion of the 5 other lots use stil remaining as an abutting cul-de-sac of residential homes . AAC best determined that he highest and best use warranted revision to a commercial rezoned C-4 use as a vacant lot. This lot affronts Hammonds Lane next to the corner gas station intersection. AAC had purchased a small portion across from the North Co Police Station for a connecting concrete sidewalk. Literally a few minutes from the I-695 BELTWAY / Rt 10 exits east or west. Ideally suited for a small mini-warehouse, outside storage hideaway, or small office. NOT SUITED for semis. ]. Please call the listing agent for additional information. Said listing agent just received an updated engineering report that is now under a pending final review for a permit anticipated any day now. It will be up to the buyer to pursue just what building type ,if any they would then need to apply for the use and occupancy permit. There will be an approzimatley 5000 sq ft allotted that can be fenced off for buyers building choice.