Well situated site along well travelled US Hwy 17-92, boasting a traffic count of over 25,000 vehicles per day. Plenty of growth is occurring in South Volusia County, offering more economical housing and suburban style living. Nearby Rivera Bella just completed 279 Single Family Homes (SFH) +/-, Springview Woods has 195 SFH on the agenda, the Junction 150 SFH, the Debary Main Street Project - a mixed use development, and 700 SFH are planned for Rivington, all a short distance from this site. The demographic makeup of this community shows solid incomes with household incomes just over $80,000 within 1 mile and over $70,000 within 3-5 miles. The population currently shows just over 4,000 within a 1 mile radius, 23,644 within a 3 mile radius, and over 77,000 within a 5 mile radius. The Central Florida Sunrail has a hub in Debary located just over 1 mile to the south.
All things seem to be stacking up in the favor of solid long term growth for this community and S Volusia County. A car wash, restaurant, retail sales, service, small ALF Facility, professional offices, veterinary clinic, day care, house of worship, and/or personal storage mini-warehouse, all would likely do well locating their business here.