* 19,800 Sq Ft Industrial/Warehouse Space in Established Business Park
Main Floor
8000 Sq Ft Manufacturing and Assembly Space
6800 Sq Ft unfinished Warehouse Space
Ceiling Heights 21-23 Ft
Men's and Women's Bathrooms With Handicap Access
Separate Office Area With Powder Room
5000 Sq Ft Private Offices, Conference Room, Cafeteria,
Assembly Area
Men's and Women's Bathrooms
* New Roof, Building Painted and Parking Lot Repaved in 2018
* Bryant Oil Fired System with HVAC Units that Provides Heat and A/C to Finished Areas
Warehouse has suspended heating units
440 Gallon Above Ground Tank
Exterior Mounted A/C Compressors
* Three Phase Power 800 Amps
* 12’ by 14’ High Drive in Door at Rear of Building
* 2 Truck Height Loading Docks
* Large Loading Crane Along Rear Wall
* Full Building Wet Sprinkler System
* Location is 1.5 Miles From I 95 Exit 64
Agent Owner