Incredible property close in and highly visible from US 52 at intersection with Redbank Road. This handsome property offers a 24,400 SF clear-span steel structure which is fully conditioned with offices and restrooms and great flexibility throughout. Fully cleared, paved and gravelled 3.6 acre parcel with two additional steel-framed sheds which offer potential use or conversion as well. This property will lend itself to redevelopment, adaptive re-use or re-imagining for a creative new purpose. Great location for distribution, wholesale, retail or specialized use. Goose Creek is a business-friendly area with a vibrant community of well-educated, energetic people. As the City website puts it, ''Goose Creek is a thriving and active city with a hometown atmosphere. The City is the best place in the region to raise a family and for businesses to be successful. City government has engaged its citizens and is innovative, transparent, and a leader in the region. ''