The site is situated in Paulding County, Georgia, and is considered part of the
metropolitan Atlanta area. Once considered a "bedroom" community of Atlanta,
Paulding County has become a vibrant economic force and has ranked as one of the fastest growing U.S. Counties. Paulding County is the 14th largest county in Georgia by population and approximately one-fourth of its land mass is open greenspace. One of the many attributes that draws individuals and businesses to Paulding County is its park setting. Paulding is home to more than 1,000 acres of gorgeous lakes, parks, and natural greenspace. Per the latest 2024 Population & Employment Forecasts by the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC), Paulding County’s Population, currently 168,661 residents, is projected to grow by 60.1% between 2020 to 2050. The ARC projects that Paulding will welcome an additional 100,000+ residents before 2050, when Paulding’s Population is estimated to 270,096.